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Welcome to BSL Teaching Skills

This is for those of you who have seen the curriculum and understand how to teach but are unsure whether your own teaching is right and want to know how to assess yourself and students to see if they have learnt properly or not. 

This website have sections that will provide such information. I t is important to relate knowledge of the curriculum and teaching skills together. If you need further information on BSL teaching skills enter your username and password to look at more detailed information such as learning theory, teaching theory and teaching methods. 

You can click on these sections to learn more about BSL teaching skills. This will improve your teaching skills and confidence.


Some of you when teaching the curriculum may have doubts about whether you are teaching correctly or not. Now you can look at the website for answers to any queries e.g. how to test a group of students.

You can use this website, to look up queries you have and get answers to improve your BSL teaching.

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